Phrases in Development


accurate clock 精确的时钟

results in an accurate clock 产生了(导致、致使)一个精确的时钟

adaptive layout 自适应布局

adequate adj. 充足的;适当的;胜任的

For correct operation, the input signal to the ADC must be allowed adequate time to charge the sample and hold capacitor.

advance vt. 使……前进

advancing the connected timer by one second 将连接的时钟向前推进1秒

advance at different rates 以不同的速率前进

aligned /əˈlaɪnd/ v. 结盟;支持;使成一直线;校准;安放,排列;使一致(align 的过去式和过去分词)

be aligned on B 对齐至B

byte-aligned memory address 字节内存地址

alternate /ɔːlˈtɜːnət/ adj. 交替的,轮流的;间隔的,每隔(……天等)的;(一或多个事物)另外的,可供选择的;(两者)互不相容的;另类的,非传统的;v. (使)交替,(使)轮流 n. 替换物,代理人

alternate mux selection 交替复用选择

transient pulse 瞬时脉冲

alternate mux selections 交替复用选择

The GPyGMUXn register should be configured before the GPyMUXn to avoid transient pulses on GPIOs from alternate mux selections. GPyGMUXn 寄存器应在 GPyMUXn 之前配置,以避免交替复用选择对GPIO产生瞬时脉冲。

alteration n. 改变;变更;服装修改

The Embedded C++ library works in conjunction with 15 of the headers from the Standard C library, sometimes with small alterations.

amplify vt. 放大,扩大;增强;详述 vi. 详述

amplifier n. 增益器;放大器;

power amplifier (也简写: power amp)功率放大器

pre-amplifier 前置放大器(也写作:preamplifier 或 preamp)

operational amplifier 运算放大器

analog to analog latency 模比延迟

38 μs analog-to-analog latency

appends sth. as appropriate 适当地附加某物

When sending out the address on the bus, the TWI controller appends the read/write bit as appropriate, based on the state of the TWIMDIR bit in the master mode control register.

approximate /əˈprɒksɪmət/ adj. 近似的,大概的 v. 接近,近似;粗略估计

approximately /əˈprɒksɪmətli/ adv. 大约,近似地;近于

approximation n. 近似值

A typical motherboard, including an Am486DX2-80CPU, consumes around 13 W, meaning that the CPU accounts for approximately 16 percent of the total motherboard power consumption. 一个典型的主板,包括Am486DX2-80CPU,消耗约13W,这意味着CPU约占主板总功耗的16%。

arbitration /ˌɑːbɪˈtreɪʃn/ n. 公断,仲裁

arbitrarily /ˌɑːbɪˈtrerəli/ adv. 武断地;任意地;专横地;

SOC5 is chosen arbitrarily. (此处就)任意选择SOC5。

arithmetic /əˈrɪθmətɪk/ n. 算术,算法;数字

arithmetic operations 算术运算

assemble vt. 集合,聚集;装配;收集 vi. 集合,聚集

assembly n. 装配;集会,集合 n. 汇编,编译

assembly source 汇编源代码

assembly code 汇编码

assert vt. 维护,坚持;断言;主张;声称

assertion /əˈsɜːʃn/ n. 断言,声明;主张,要求;坚持;认定

assertion check 断言检查

internal asserts 内部断言

A be assigned to B A被分配给了B

Parameters are assigned to instructions in the order in which the instructions are instantiated in the code. 参数按照在代码中实例化指令的顺序被分配给了指令。

attribute n. 属性;特质 vt. 归属;把……归于

property n. 性质,性能;财产;所有权

pin attributes 引脚分配

the attached clock 附带的时钟

attenuate v. (使)减弱;(使)纤细,稀薄 adj. 减弱的;稀薄的;细小的

attenuated adj. (力量或效果)衰减的;(人)瘦长的 v. 使减弱;使变细;稀释

attenuation n. [物] 衰减;变薄;稀释

digital attenuation step 数字衰减步长

digital attenuation range 数字衰减范围

The volume setting of each ADC can be digitally attenuated in the ADCx_VOLUME registers.

auto increment 自增

auto-increment circuit 自增电路

The ADAU1772 always decodes the subaddress and sets the auto-increment circuit so that the address increments after the appropriate number of bytes.

auxiliary /ɔːɡˈzɪliəri/ adj. 辅助的;副的;附加的;(发动机、设备等)备用的

auxiliary definitions 辅助定义


base address 基地址

batch session 批处理会话

To launch a batch session using two command files "input1" and "input2".

sth. become scattered throughout somewhere 某物被分散到某处

As memory blocks are "freed" back to the HeapMem, the available memory in the HeapMem becomes scattered throughout the heap.

benchmark n. 参考标准,基准 (a standard by which something can be measured or judged)

bias n. 偏移;偏差;偏见;vt. 使存偏见 adj. 偏斜的 adv. 偏斜地

bias generators 偏置发生器

bitfield reference 位域参考

bond n. 债券;结合;约定;粘合剂;纽带 vi. 结合,团结在一起 vt. 使结合;以…作保

unbond adj. 未绑定的

floating unbonded inputs 未绑定的浮点输入

To avoid any floating unbonded inputs, the Boot ROM will enable internal pullups on GPIO pins that are not bonded out in a particular package. 为了避免任何未绑定的浮点输入,Boot ROM将在特定封装中未绑定的GPIO引脚上启用内部上拉。

boost vt. 促进;增加;支援 vi. 宣扬;偷窃 n. 推动;帮助;宣扬

PGA boost 可编程增益放大器(功率)提升

booster n. 升压机;支持者;扩爆器

booster-pack / boosterpack 增强包

bootloader 引导器

be broken down into

The process of converting an analog voltage to a digital value is broken down into an S+H phase and a conversion phase.

bypass n. 旁路,支流 v. 绕过,避开;忽视,不顾(规章制度);设旁路,迂回

bypass capacitor 旁路电容


be bypassed with a capacitor 用一个电容进行绕装

Each supply signal on the board should also be bypassed with a single bulk capacitor (10 μF to 47 μF).


calibration n. 校准;刻度;标度

self-calibration 自校准

offset self-calibration 偏移自校准

Internal connection to VREFLO on all ADCs for offset self-calibration. ADC上所有到VREFLO的内部连接,都用于偏移自校准。(这语法也很迷)

A calls into B A调用B

Internally, the Memory module calls into the heap’s interface functions.

A make calls to B A调用B

it makes calls to the Heap module through the IHeap_Handle.


capacitance n. 电容(值)

capacitor n. 电容器

easy parallel switching capacibility 易于并联开断/切换的电容

care should be taken when 当/在……时需要小心

Care should be taken when choosing a Task stack size.


characteristic n. 特性

thermal resistance characteristics 热阻特性

static characteristic 静态特性

dynamic characteristic 动态特性

electrical characteristic 电气特性

switching characteristic 开关特性

diode characteristic 二极管特性

circuitry /ˈsɜːkɪtri/ n. 电路;电路系统;电路学;一环路

The easiest way to achieve this is to use a regulator that has a power good (PGOOD) signal to power the ADAU1772 or generate a power good signal using additional circuitry external to the regulator itself.

clamp v. 固定,稳定

The inputs are internally clamped to VDD and GND by diodes.

coefficient write 系数写入

collision /kəˈlɪʒn/ n. 碰撞;冲突;(意见,看法)的抵触;(政党等的)倾轧

collision detection 冲突检测

several-input-lines command 多行输入命令

Commands may extend over several input lines by ending each line but the last with a backslash ().


comment out sth. 注释掉

Therefore, commenting out a continued line comments out the entire command.


That is, no white space is implied, nor is a comment terminated.


commit /kəˈmɪt/ vt. 犯罪;把...交托给;指派…作战;使…承担义务;(公开地)表示意见 vi. 忠于(某个人、机构等);承诺

amend last commit 修改上一次提交(的数据)

initial commit message 初始提交消息

configuration entry 配置条目

conjunction n. 结合;[语] 连接词;同时发生

connect A in series with B 让A与B以串联形式连接

The headphone outputs can also be configured as ground centered outputs by connecting coupling capacitors in series with the output pins.

consistency n. 一致性

data consistency 数据一致性

data consistency in every node of the system 系统内部各节点的数据一致性

constrain vt. 驱使;强迫;束缚

be significantly constrained 非常有限 / 显著不足的

This is particularly useful on targets where the code memory is significantly constrained.

constructor n. 构造函数;构造器;建造者

destructor n. 析构函数

context of a software interrupt 软件中断的上下文

Memory allocation APIs such as Memory_alloc() and Memory_calloc() cannot be called from within the context of a software interrupt.内存分配接口如A和B不能够在软件中断的上下文中被调用。

convention n. 公约

software convention 软件公约、软件惯例

Allocation of source bits to source processor and meaning is entirely based on software convention.源位分配到源处理器和意义完全基于软件惯例。

corner frequency 角频率

correspond /,kɒrə'spɒnd/ vi. 符合,一致;相应;通信

the corresponding modules 对应模块

The ADAU1772 knows to increment its subaddress register every two bytes because the requested subaddress corresponds to a register or memory area with a 2-byte word length. [此处应该是语法有问题,个人感觉应该是increase而不是increment]

For example, Ipc_S_SUCCESS, MessageQ_E_FAIL, and SharedRegion_E_MEMORY are status codes that may be returned by functions in the corresponding modules.

curly braces 花括号

denote optional arguments 表示可选参数

mutually exclusive choices 互相排斥的选择

In this document, curly braces ({}) denote optional arguments and a vertical bar (|) separates mutually exclusive choices.


current n. 电流

concurrent adj. 并发的;一致的;同时发生的;并存的 n. [数] 共点;同时发生的事件

concurrently adv. 同时地

nominal current 名义电流、额定电流

rated current 额定电流


declaration /,deklə'reiʃən/ n. (纳税品等的)申报;宣布;公告;申诉书;声明;

function declaration 函数声明

derived /dɪˈraɪvd/ class 派生类

In derived classes, super() must be called before you can use this. 在派生类中,使用this 前必先调用 super() 函数。

diagnostics n. 诊断学(用作单数)

discrete /dɪˈskriːt/ adj. 离散的,不连续的 n. 分立元件;独立部件

discrete device 分离部件

dissipation n. 损耗,耗散

power dissipation 功率损耗

dynamic memory allocation and deallocation 动态内存分配和回收

SYS/BIOS provides reentrant versions of malloc() and free() that internally use the xdc.runtime. SYS/BIOS为内部使用XDC.RUNTIME的 malloc() 和 free() 提供了可重入版本。






electret /ɪˈlektrət/ n. 驻极体;电介体

electret microphone 驻极体麦克风

seamless interfacing 无缝连接(的接口)

Two microphone bias pins provide seamless interfacing to electret microphones. 两个麦克风偏置针为驻极体麦克风提供了无缝连接。

electrical layer requirements 电气层要求

elicit /i'lisit/ vt. 引出

endian n. 字节存储次序,元组排列顺序

big-endian 高位对齐,大端

small-endian 低位对齐,小端

device endianness 设备字节顺序

equivalent adj. (在价值、数量等方面)相等的;等价的;等效的;等量的;同意义的 n. 对等的人(或事物);当量

equidistant /ˌiːkwɪˈdɪstənt/ adj. 等距的;距离相等的

For maximum effectiveness, locate the capacitor equidistant from the power and ground pins or slightly closer to the power pin if equidistant placement is not possible. 为了获取最大效率,应在电源及接地的等距接口处置放电容,若等距放置无法采用,则应在放置在电源一侧。

encoded internal representations 编码的内部表示

an entire contiguous Ethernet packet 一个完整连续的以太网包

error n. 错误,误差

fatal error 致命错误

offset error 便宜误差

gain error 增益误差

explicitly /ɪkˈsplɪsɪtli/ adv. 明确地;明白地

implicitly /ɪmˈplɪsɪtli/ adv. 含蓄地;暗中地

explicity and implicity 显性和隐性

exploring the ecosystem 探索生态系统

extent n. 程度;范围;长度

extend vt. 延伸;扩大;推广;伸出;给予;使竭尽全力;对…估价 vi. 延伸;扩大;伸展;使疏开

extensive adj. 广泛的;大量的;广阔的

extension n. 拓展;延伸;接发;(医学)牵引;(计算机)拓展名;(逻辑)外延

extended adj. 延伸的;扩大的;长期的;广大的 v. 延长;扩充(extend 的过去分词)

The extent to which this is true depends on the floating-point processor’s architecture. 这一点在多大程度上取决于浮点处理器的架构。

event combiner 事件组合器

expand vt. 扩张;使膨胀;详述 vi. 发展;张开,展开

expansion n. 膨胀;阐述;扩张物

It also expands the vector table to allow each interrupt to have its own ISR.


facility n. 设备,设施

facilitate v. 促进,帮助,使容易

These registers also provide a Source ID facility by which up to 28 different sources of interrupts can be identified. 这些寄存器还提供了一个 源 ID设备 ,通过它可以识别多达28个不同的中断源。

The IPCGRH register facilitates interrupts to external hosts. IPCGRH寄存器促进中断到外部主机。

farad /ˈfæræd/ n. 法拉

microfarad 微法

millifarad 毫法

nanofarad /ˈneɪnəˈfærəd/ 纳法

fed vt. 喂养

A be fed directly to somewhere / B A被直接带到某处 、A被直接喂给B(吃掉)

The ADAU1772 can generate its clocks either from an externally provided clock or from a crystal oscillator. In both cases, the on board PLL can be used or the clock can be fed directly to the core.

filter n. 滤波器

all-pole filters / gain 全通角过滤器/增益

second order filter 二阶滤波器

sinc filter

fixed adj. 固定的

variable-sized buffers 可变大小缓冲

fixed-size buffers 固定大小缓冲

formal parameter 形式参数

C++ allows you to specify default values for formal parameters within the function declaration. C++允许你在函数声明中指定形参的默认值。

forward adj. 正向的

diode forward current 二极管正向电流

on-board fractional PLL 板载小数分频PLL

frame sync edge detection 帧同步边缘检测

These registers (where x signifies SPORT 0 through 7) allow programs to set frame sync edge detection for I2S compatibility. 这些寄存器(其中x表示SPORT 0到7)允许程序设置帧同步边缘检测以实现I2S的兼容性。****

full-scale 全尺寸的、全尺度的、满量程的

full-scale input voltage 满量程输入电压

function call sequence 函数调用顺序

Standard IPC Function Call Sequence

A as a function of B. 把B带入函数求得A;把B当作自变量,A当作因变量。用于描述 A与B的关系。

collector current as a function of case temperature 集电极电流与外壳温度的关系


ganged adj. 成组的,联动的;v. 用金属细丝加固

ganged references

gate off 关闭

turn on 打开

give more control over sth. 在某事上予以更多控制权

graphical programming software 图形化编程软件

The program and parameter RAMs can be loaded with custom audio processing signal flow built using the SigmaStudio™ graphical programming software from Analog Devices, Inc. 在使用Analog Devices公司的SigmaStudio图形化编程软件建立自定义音频处理信号流时,程序和参数内存会被自动加载。

granularity n. 间隔尺寸,[岩] 粒度

the quality of being composed of relatively large particles


a handful of sth. 一些某物(可数)

An adaptive layout will give you more control over the design because you only have a handful of states to consider.

harmonic n. 谐波

total harmonic distortion + noise 总谐波失真和噪声

harness n. 马具;背带,吊带;甲胄;挽具状带子;降落伞背带;日常工作 v. 治理,利用;套;驾驭;披上甲胄;将(两只动物)拴在一起

wiring harness 线束

the complex wiring harness 复杂的线束

hierarchy board 层次结构板

hint n. 暗示;线索 vt. 暗示;示意 vi. 示意

This chapter provides hints for improving the runtime performance and shared memory usage of applications that use IPC.


identical adj. 一致的,一样的

Each ePWM instance is identical with one exception. 所有ePWM实例都是一致的,只有一个例外。

impedance /ɪmˈpiːdns/ n. 阻抗

input impedance 输入阻抗

output impedance 输出阻抗

load impedance 负载阻抗

impedance matching 阻抗匹配

impedance mismatch 阻抗失配

implement v. 实施,执行;实现,使生效 n. 工具,器具;手段 (apply in a manner consistent with its purpose or design)

implementation of the interface 接口的实现

instantiation of clock 时钟实例化

incorporate 包含

The ADAU1772 is a codec with four inputs and two outputs that incorporates a digital processing engine to perform filtering, level control, signal level monitoring, and mixing.

be independent of 独立于……;相对于……独立

indicate vt. 表明;指出;预示;象征

inherent adj. 固有的;内在的;与生俱来的,遗传的

In Round-Robin priority method, no SOC has an inherent higher priority than another. 在RR优先级模式下,所有SOC的优先级都平等。

install sth. across sth. 在某物上安装某物

To use MCLK on the J4 header, first install a resistor across the R2 pads. 要在J4引脚上使用MCLK,首先要在R2焊盘上安装一个电阻。

instantiation n. 实例化;[计] 例示

interact vt./vi. 互相影响;互相作用

interaction n. 相互作用,相互影响;交流;[数] 交互作用;互动

interactive adj. 交互式的;相互作用的

interactive plot windows 互动式绘制窗口

-p tells the program not to close any remaining interactive plot windows when the program exits.

internal digital supply voltage 内部数字电源电压

The operating voltage range is 1.8 V to 3.63 V, with an on-board regulator generating the internal digital supply voltage.

interrupt n. 中断

peripheral interrupt 外设中断

hardware interrupt 硬件中断

software interrupt 软件中断

external interrupt 外部中断

intuitive /ɪnˈtjuːɪtɪv/ adj. 直觉的;凭直觉获知的

counterintuitive adj. 违反直觉的

The naming convention for these endpoints is very consistent, but frequently counterintuitive.

invention n. 发明

inventory n. 存货,存货清单;详细目录;财产清册 vt. 给……开列清单

take inventory of 盘点一下

take inventory of the unique signals 对独特的信号进行盘点

invoke the class member function 调用类成员函数

By writing a wrapper function which accepts a class instance as a parameter, you can invoke the class member function from within the wrapper. 通过编写以类实例作为参数的包装函数,你可以在包装函数中调用其类成员函数。

insertion/withdrawal force 推拉力

isolate vt. (使)隔离,孤立;将……剔出;(某物质、细胞等)分离;区别看待(观点、问题等)n. 被隔离的人(或物);[生](用于研究的)分离菌,隔离群

isolated adj. 偏远的;孤立的;孤独的;单独的; 绝缘的

inter-channel isolation 通道间隔

optimal isolation 隔离优化

As previously stated, the stack has been designed for optimal isolation, and so that it may seamlessly plug in to varying run-time environments.


left/right justified 左/右对齐


legacy n. 遗产;遗赠财物;遗留问题;后遗症

latch vi. 占有,抓住;闭锁 vt. 闩上;纠缠住某人 n. 门闩,锁存器

latency n. 潜伏;潜在因素;延迟

leap year 闰年

locate sth. from somewhere 从某处定位某物

low latency 低延迟

The path from the analog input to the DSP core to the analog output is optimized for low latency and is ideal for noise cancelling headsets.


mandatory /‘mændətəri/ adj. 强制的;命令的;托管的; n. 受托者

Ping uses the ICMP protocol's mandatory ECHO_REQUEST datagram to elicit an ICMP ECHO_RESPONSE from a host or gateway.


mangle /mæŋgl/ vt. 乱砍、损坏

name mangling (函数)命名重整

The process of encoding the signature into the link name is referred to as name mangling. 对链接名称解码签名的过程被称为命名重整。

Since function overloading is accomplished through name mangling, function overloading has limitations for functions that are called from the configuration. 由于函数重载是通过命名重整完成的,因此函数重载对从配置中调用的函数有限制。

maximum outstanding connection request 最大未完成连接请求

meet the requirement 满足需求

This feature assists designers in meeting the Energy Star requirements.

memory policy 存储策略

memory management traits 内存管理特征

Different heap implementations optimize for different memory management traits.

memory region 内存区域

This function enables caching for a specific memory region.

metric n. 度量标准 adj. 公制的;米制的;公尺的

metrics n. 度量;作诗法;韵律学

bad font metrics 糟糕的字体度量

-s tells the program to wait for slow font initialization on startup. Otherwise it prints an error and continues with bad font metrics.

modulate vi. 调制;转调 vt. 调节;调制;调整

modulation n. 调制;调整

modulator n. 调制器

PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) 脉冲编码调至

PDM (Pulse Density Modulation) 脉冲密度调制

PDM modulator 脉冲密度调制器

module n. [计] 模块;组件;模数

monolithic /ˌmɒnəˈlɪθɪk/ adj. 整体的;巨石的,庞大的;完全统一的 n. 单块集成电路,单片电路

monolithic diode 单片二极管

millennium /mɪˈleniəm/ n. 千年;千禧年

minimum addressable units 最小可寻址单元

Memory allocation sizes are measured in "Minimum Addressable Units" (MAUs) of memory. An MAU is the smallest unit of data storage that can be read or written by the CPU.

miscellaneous /ˌmɪsəˈleɪniəs/ adj. 混杂的,各种各样的;多方面的,多才多艺的

miscellaneous devices 杂项设备

A be a multiple of B A应该是B的数倍

To prevent unintended behavior "blockPtr" should be aligned on the cache line size and "byteCnt" should be a multiple of the cache line size.

multiplex adj. 多元的,多样的;多路传输的;v. 多路传输、多工

simplex 单工的

full-duplex 全双工

half-duplex 半双工

transmission simplex 单工传输

full-duplex communication 全双工通信

full-duplex channel 全双工信道

time division multiplex communication 时分多路通信

time multiplexer communication channel 时分多路通信信道

time-derived channel 时分通道、时分信道

multiplex up to 复用至xx

The ePIE multiplexes up to sixteen peripheral interrupts into each CPU interrupt line.

mutual /'mju: tfuel/ exclusion 互斥

Manages gates for mutual exclusion of shared resources by multiple processors and threads. 管理多个处理器和线程共享资源的互斥门。


noise cancelling headset 降噪耳机


octet /ɔk'tet/ 八重、八位(计算机语境下,基本与byte同意)

on a + adj. + basis 在何种基础上

You can reduce the amount of code space used by an application by setting the memory Policy on a global or per-module basis.

register optimizations 寄存器优化

local optimizations 本地优化

global optimizations 全局优化

interprocedure optimization 进程优化

other than .... 除了……

Blue boxes identify modules for which your application will call C API functions other than those used to dynamically create objects.


two parameter banks 参数集(参数组, two sets of parameters)

There are two parameter banks available. Each bank can hold a full set of 160 parameters (32 filters × 5 coefficients).

parasite /ˈpærəsaɪt/ n. 寄生虫

parasitic /ˌpærəˈsɪtɪk/ adj. 寄生的

parasitical adj. 寄生的

channel parasitic input capacitance 通道寄生输入电容

parse /'pɑːz/ v.理解,从语法上分析,解析

Parsing CGI Form Data 解析CGI结构的数据

a particular heap implementation 特定堆生成

Using Memory APIs makes applications and middleware portable and not tied to a particular heap implementation.

patched /pætʃt/ adj. 打补丁的 v. 打补丁;遮盖(视力好的眼)促进弱视眼看;(用补丁对程序)改错(patch 的过去式和过去分词)

be patched with sth. 用某物修补

period n. 周期

periodic /periɒdik/ adj. 周期的

perspective n. 观点;远景;透视图 adj. 透视的

customize perspective 定制化的角度(来看)

phase n. 相位

phase shifted 180 DEG 相位偏移180度

phase relationship 相位关系

sb./sth. places certain restrictions on sth. / sw. 某物对某物产生影响

Running the scheduler thread at a low priority places certain restrictions on how a Task can operate at the socket layer.


polar 北极

polarity /pəˈlærəti/ n. [物] 极性;两极;对立

signal polarity 信号极性

unipolar signal 单极信号(仅有零值和正值)

bipolar signal 双极信号(有正负值和零值)

populate v. 焊接

unpopulated header pads 未焊接点(盘)

unpopulated PCB 无载印制电路板

solder n. 焊料;接合物 v. 焊接;使联接在一起

To use an external speaker, wires can be soldered to the unpopulated header pads, J13 and J16.

The R2 resistor is not populated from the factory. 在工厂时,R2电阻未安装。

port n. 接口,端口

portable adj. 便携的

portfolio /pɔːtˈfəʊliəʊ/ n. 公文包;文件夹;证券投资组合;部长职务;作品集;(公司或机构提供的)系列产品,系列服务;(职业类型)短期合同制的,兼职的

broad portfolio 广泛的产品组合

potentiostat /pəu'tenʃiəstæt/ n. 恒电势器;[电] 稳压器

potentiostatic adj. 电压稳定器的;恒电势的;电势恒定器的

potentiometer /pəˌtenʃiˈɒmɪtə(r)/ n. 电位计;分压计

potentiometric /pəu,tenʃiə'metrik/ adj. 电势测定的,电位计的

control interface: switches and potentiometers 控制接口:开关和电位器

precision 精度

single-precision 单精度

double-precision 双精度

Single-precision biquad filter 单精度双四轴滤波器

The double length memory enables the core to double precision arithmetic with double length data and single length coefficients.

precision sensing applications 精密传感应用

They allow analog and digital sensing for interpreting capabilities with built-in ADCs, DACs, and temp sensors for precision sensing applications. 这些MCUs利用为紧密传感应用准备的内置模-数、数-模、温度传感器向模拟和数字传感提供解释能力。


preempt 抢占

All Clock functions run at the same SWI priority, so one Clock function cannot preempt another. 所有的时钟函数都运行在相同的SWI优先级,所以一个时钟函数不能抢占另一个时钟函数。

prefix n. 前缀 vt. 加前缀;将某事物加在前面

presume / assume 假定

So this book presumes that you have already learned something about Python programming from the many excellent tutorials and books on the subject.

On the other hand, this book does not start by assuming that you know any networking!

previous versions 以前的版本

Note that the appropriate include file location has changed from previous versions of IPC. 注意,适当的头文件位置已经从以前的IPC版本中更改。

prologue /prəʊlɒg/ n. 开场白

prolong /prəˈlɒŋ/ vt. 延长,拖延

they can then prolong the LOW period of the SCL signal to slow down the transfer. 可以延长SCL信号的低电平周期,以降低传输速度。

prior /ˈpraɪər/ adj. (时间、顺序等)先前的;优先的

priority n. 优先级

prioritize /praɪˈɒrətaɪz/ v. 按优先顺序列出,确定 (任务) 优先顺序;优先处理,优先考虑

prior to 在……之前; 居先

It is important to enrich the soil prior to planting. 栽种之前给土壤施肥很重要。

probe n. 探针;调查 vi. 调查;探测 vt. 探查;用探针探测

simulation probe 模拟探针

the proper adjustment 适当调整

The scheduler thread can run at any priority with the proper adjustment.



rate n. 速度;比率;价格;等级

rating n. 等级;等级评定;额定功率 v. 对…评价(rate的ing形式)

ratio n. 比率,比例

rational adj. 合理的;理性的 n. 有理数

speed n. 速度,速率;进度;迅速;繁荣;感光度;排挡;v. 快速运动;加速;促进;

The rate of the internal master clock must be set properly using the CC_MDIV bit in the clock control register (Address 0x0000). 内部主时钟的速率必须要在时钟控制寄存器下的CC_MDIV位上设置正确。

rated input voltage 额定输入电压

rated input current 额定输入电流

flammability rating 可燃性等级

absolute maximum ratings 最大功率

ESD ratings 静电放电等级

power supply rejection ratio 电源抑制比

SNR(Signal-to-Noise Ratio) 信噪比

rectification n. 整流

recursive nature 递归性质

Due to its recursive nature, a Task tends to consume a significant amount of stack.


re-entrance exclusion methodology 重连拒绝方法

The NDK requires a re-entrance exclusion methodology to call into internal tack functions.

reentrant versions 可重入版本

regular adj. 有规律的

regulate vt. 调节;规定;控制;校准;有系统地管理

regulated voltage 稳定电压

regulator n. 监管机构,监管者;调整者;校准器;稳压器

Typically, on such regulators the power good signal changes state when the regulated voltage drops below ~90% of its target value.


on-board regulator 板载调节器

The on-board regulator generates the 3.3 V dc or 1.8 V dc supply, determined by S1, for the on-board circuitry. 板载整流器为板载电流提供了由S1决定的1.8V或3.3V电压。

LDO regulator (某种)线性稳压器?


the remote processor 远程处理器

The response from the remote processor triggers a hardware interrupt, which then posts a Semaphore to allow to Task to resume execution. 远程处理器的响应触发硬件中断,然后硬件中断发布一个信号量以允许任务继续执行。

power-on reset 开机复位

brownout reset 断电复位

resistor n. 电阻器

resistance n. 电阻值;电阻

constant resistance 恒定电阻

insulation resistance 绝缘电阻

damping resistor 阻尼电阻

equivalent series resistance 等效串联电阻

ruggedness /ˈrʌɡɪdnəs/ n. 强度,坚固性;险峻,崎岖;粗野

high ruggedness 高坚固性

runtime support library 运行时支持库

This module provides xdc.runtime.ITimestampClient APIs for the xdc Runtime Support Library.


sanity /ˈsænəti/ n. 明智;头脑清楚;精神健全;通情达理

saturate /ˈsætʃəreɪt/ vt. 使浸透;使饱和;使充满; adj. 浸透的;饱和的;

saturation n. 饱和度

Clear the X1CNT counter and then wait for it to saturate four times.

schematic n. 原理图

second 秒

microsecond 微秒

millisecond 毫秒

nanosecond 纳秒

semaphore /ˈseməfɔːr/ n. 信号标,信标,旗语;臂板信号装置 v. 打旗语,发信号

sequence n. 顺序

text sequences 文本序列

ship(v.) with 与某物一起(类似于打包在一起)

The fact that you will often be using Python libraries of prepared code—whether from the built-in standard library that ships with Python.

shunt /ʃʌnt/ v. n. 并励;并联;分流

signal path 信号通路,信号路径

a significant amount of 大量的

single-address mode 单地址模式

single-word mode 单字模式

burst mode 突发模式/爆发模式

All addresses can be accessed in either single-address mode or burst mode.

sophisticated services 复杂的服务

The idea of a protocol stack, in which very simple network services are used as a foundation on which to build more sophisticated services.

specification n. 规范 (a detailed description of design criteria for a piece of work)

specifications for benchmark tests 基准测试规范

target-specific functions 目标特定的功能

device-specific functions 设备特定的功能

split /splɪt/ vt. 分离;使分离;劈开;离开;分解 vi. 离开;被劈开;断绝关系 n. 劈开;裂缝 adj. 劈开的

stage changed (确认)暂存(数据)已变化

standalone operation 独立操作

For standalone operation, the clock can be generated using the on-board crystal oscillator.

static inline 静态内联

stimuli n. 刺激;刺激物;促进因素(stimulus的复数)

simulation stimuli 模拟刺激

at a strategic point in time 在战略性的时间点上 / 在关键时间点上 / 在关键时刻

support a myriad of sth. 支持各种各样的....

Our Processors and Microcontrollers support a myriad of general-purpose and application-specific needs. 我们的处理器和微控制器能够满足各种各样的通用或特定需求。

suppress vt. 抑制;镇压;废止

suppression n. 抑制;镇压;[植] 压抑

Pop-and-Click Suppression 音频杂音(嘀嗒和爆破)抑制

pop suppression 爆破(音)抑制


temperature n. 温度

junction temperature (Tj)结温;接点温度;接面温度

operating junction temperature 运行时结温

free-Air temperature 大气温度;

storage temperature 存储温度

ambient temperature (TA)环境温度

terminate /ˈtɜːmɪneɪt/ vi./vt. 使终止;使结束;解雇

timing n. 时序

the timing of a burst mode write sequence 突发模式写入顺序时间(时序)

toggle /ˈtɒɡl/ n. 拴扣;切换键,开关;套索钉 v. 切换;拴牢,系紧

toggle split editor 切换分屏编辑器

toggle full screen 切换全屏幕

toggle function 切换函数

tolerable /ˈtɒlərəbl/ adj. 可以的;可容忍的

tolerable settling error 可容忍的沉降误差

torque /tɔːk/ n. 转矩,[力] 扭矩;项圈,金属领圈 v. (向轴、螺栓、圆轮等)施以扭动力;(使)沿轴转动;使(绕轴等)扭转;施加转矩

trench n. 沟渠、沟道

trim v. 修剪;切除 n. 点缀物;汽车装饰;修剪 adj. 整齐的;身材苗条的

offset trim register 偏移修整寄存器

trip n. (短程)旅行;幻觉;绊倒;错误;令人兴奋的经历;自我放纵的态度(或行动);(机器、电路的)开关;(安全装置的)脱扣;轻捷的脚步;让人开心的奇人,奇妙有趣的经历 vi. 绊倒,跌倒;轻快地走(或跑、跳舞);(非正式)(服用毒品后)产生幻觉;(部分电路)自动断开;作短途旅行 vt. 绊倒;(使)跌倒;触发(开关);起(锚);竖起(帆桁)

tristate n. 三角洲的

tristate buffer 三态缓冲器

tristate control 三态控制

truncate vt. 截断

Fractional values are truncated. 小数值已省略。/ 忽略小数部分


use sth. from sb./sth.

In earlier versions of gnuplot, some terminal types used the values from 'set size' to control also the size of the output canvas.

在gnuplot的早期版本中,一些终端类型使用set size中的值来控制输出画布的大小。

be used in a variety of combinations 被用于多种组合

IPC modules can be used in variety of combinations.


versatility /ˌvɜːsəˈtɪləti/ n. 多功能性;多才多艺;用途广泛

volatile /ˈvɒlətaɪl/ adj. [化学] 挥发性的;不稳定的;爆炸性的;反复无常的 n. 挥发物;有翅的动物

volatile unsigned int


welding v. 焊接;(使)紧密结合,成整体;焊接(物件);(通过熔化或软化)连接(weld 的现在分词)n. 焊接,锻接


voltage withstand 耐电压

wrapper function 包装函数


zero out 清零

Zero out structure object. 清空结构体对象



level 有 层级等级电平水平 之意,较难区分。

等级:relative stack priority level 相对堆栈优先(等)级

The below options allow you to set the scheduler's relative stack priority level and run mode.


电平:full-scale level 满量程电平

logic-level 逻辑电平

Therefore, the full-scale level of a signal in the processing core will be slightly different from a full-scale level external to the IC.


以下的词汇都具有 “分别的,独立的“之意





nomenclature /nəˈmeŋklətʃə(r)/ n. 命名法;术语

glossary n. 术语

terminology n. 术语,术语学;用辞

term n. 术语;学期;期限;条款;(代数式等的)项 vt. 把…叫做


clock oscillator /ˈɒsɪleɪtə(r)/ 时钟振荡器

internal oscillator 内部振荡器

external oscillator 外部振荡器

crystal oscillator 晶体振荡器

quartz crystal 石英晶振

external resonator 外部谐振器







utilities /juː'tɪlɪtɪz/ n. 实用程序


switching regulator 开关整流器

voltage regulator 稳压器

limiter 限幅器

interpolator power 插值器功率

decimator power 切割器功率

capture 捕获器

pulse width modulator 脉冲幅频调制器

quadrature encoder 正交编码器

quadrature encoder pulse 正交编码器脉冲

sigma-delta filter module 西格玛-德尔塔滤波器模块

oscilloscope n. 示波器

co-processor 协处理器

modulator ADC 调制器

coupling capacitor 耦合电容器

discrete devices 分立器件

optoelectronic /ˌɒptəʊɪlekˈtrɒnɪks/ devices 光电子器件


以下词汇均有 "线路" 之意:





connect the audio cables 连接音频电缆

wider trace 更宽的线路、更宽的导线

If the headphone amplifiers are enabled, the PCB trace to this pin should be wider than traces to other pins to increase the current carrying capacity. A wider trace should also be used for the headphone output lines.


thyristor /'θaɪrɪstə/ n. 半导体闸流管

diode n. 二极管

collector n. 集电极

emitter /ɪˈmɪtə(r)/ n. 发射器,发射体,发射极

gate n. 栅极

collector-emitter voltage 集电极-发射极电压

collector-emitter breakdown voltage 集电极和发射极的击穿电压

collector-emitter saturation voltage 集电极和发射极的饱和电压

gate-emitter voltage 栅极发射极电压

gate-emitter threshold voltage 栅极和发射极的阈值电压

gate-emitter leakage current

pulsed collector current 脉冲(瞬时)集电极电流

High voltage gate driver IC 高电压栅极驱动芯片

600 V half bridge gate drive IC 600V半桥栅极驱动芯片